Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc.
An affiliate of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and the Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC)
Founded in 1960
Philippine Journal for Language Teaching (PJLT)
The Philippine Journal for Language Teaching (PJLT) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc., the only organization in the Philippines officially affiliated with TESOL International and the Pan-Asian Consortium, whose members include KOTESOL, JALT, MELTA, FELTA, and ThaiTESOL. PJLT publishes quantitative and qualitative research on contemporary theories, practices, and policies related to various topics that include but are not limited to language education, applied linguistics, language acquisition, curriculum design and teaching methods, literature education, language teacher education, professional development of language educators, materials development, assessment, action research, and innovative policies and practices in related fields. Articles published in the journal are in the process of applying for indexing and abstracting in the following: Open J-Gate, JournalTOCs, Google Scholar, InfoBase Index, Social Science Research Network, Open Academic Journals Index, and ejournals.ph. PJLT is published annually, every December.
PJLT Editorial Team
(Effective January 2024)
Hjalmar Punla Hernandez, PhD
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
Associate Editors: Mitchellene Vigilia-Rivo, PhD I Commission on Higher Education, Philippines
Audrey B. Morallo, MA I University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Managing Editors: Sarah B. Gonzales, MA I University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Ricardo Ador G. Dionisio, MA I Department of Education, Philippines
International Editorial Advisory Board: Christine Joy D.R. Aguila, PhD I Philippine Science High School–Main Campus, Philippines
Rosario I. Alonzo, PhD I University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Hasan Al-Wadi, PhD I University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Roberto D. Ampil, PhD I University of Santo Tomas–Manila, Philippines
Editha M. Atendido, EdD I Department of Education, Philippines
Gina F. Bonior, PhD I Silliman University, Philippines
Cecilia Yin Mei Cheong, PhD I Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Carolyn D. Castro, PhD I Montgomery College, United States of America
David L. Chiesa, PhD I University of Georgia, United States of America
James F. D'Angelo, PhD I Chukyo University, Japan
Diane Dekker, PhD I Summer Institute of Linguistics International
Jennie V. Jocson, PhD I Philippine Normal University–Manila, Philippines
Giti Karimkhanlooei, PhD I Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
IranI-Chung Ke, PhD I Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Julie Kimura, PhD I Japan Association for Language Teaching
Ma. Milagros C. Laurel, PhD I University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Heidi B. Macahilig. PhD I Philippine Normal University–Manila, Philippines
Kara Mac Donald, PhD I Defense Language Institute, United States of America
Suwarsih Madya, PhD I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Roby Marlina, PhD I Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Office Regional Language Center, Singapore
Joel C. Meniado, EdD I Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Office Regional Language Center, Singapore
Erwin Ligsay Oamil, PhD I Mariano Marcos State University Laoag City, Philippines
Sterling M. Plata, DA I De La Salle University–Manila, Philippines
Kornwipa Poonpon, PhD I Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Timothy Rasinski, PhD I Kent State University, United States of America
Robbie Lee Sabnani, PhD I Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Peter Sayer, PhD I Ohio State University, United States of America
Aurelio P. Vilbar, PhD I University of the Philippines Cebu, Philippines
Camila J. Vizconde, PhD I University of Santo Tomas–Manila, Philippines
Utami Widiati, PhD I Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Catherine M. B. Young, PhD I Summer Institute of Linguistics International
Niña Lazaro-Zamora, PhD I Philippine Normal University–Manila, Philippines